$7,000 – Action Tank – City Council Bootcamp
Purpose: To support a program for engaged residents who are interested in running for Cincinnati City Council and/or want a deeper understanding of the City’s government systems and practices in order to successfully champion equitable, impactful policy changes.
$2,500 – Center for Local Government – 2023 Center for Local Government Leadership Academy
Purpose: To support a professional development program for local government officials with an emphasis on communication skills, leadership styles, human resources, economic development, and public finance.
$25,000 – Cincinnati Public Radio – Supporting a Public Radio Service: A Greater Cincinnati News Bureau
Purpose: To produce a daily news program focusing on local government and civic issues.
$7,875 – Cincinnati Research Institute – A Century of Good Government
Purpose: To prepare for a citywide observance of the centennial of the 1924 Charter initiative led by Murray Seasongood.
$15,000 – Common Cause Education Fund, Ohio – Mapping the Way to Fair Districts for all Ohioans
Purpose: To engage Ohioans about the necessity of fair redistricting via a series of public forums.
$10,000 Cornerstone Renter Equity – Renter Equity Expansion
Purpose: To support the efforts of the Family Coach and provide equity funds to members.
$2,500 Down Syndrome Association of Cincinnati – Down Syndrome Advocacy
Purpose: To send a group of staff, family members and adults with Down syndrome to participate in the Down Syndrome Advocacy Conference co-hosted by the National Down Syndrome Society’s (NDSS) and the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC).
$10,000 – Fair Elections Center – Campus Vote Project
Purpose: To engage voters at 4-5 colleges and universities in Greater Cincinnati through media, on-campus events, and a student engagement summit.
$15,000 – Great Cincinnati Educational Television (CET) – Brick by Brick
Purpose: To create a new community affairs program, the first season of which will focus on affordable housing and offers the opportunity to examine the solutions that are being tried to redress racial segregation in housing and increase home ownership.
$10,000 – Groundwork Ohio River Valley – Youth Environmental Council
Purpose: To support the Council’s ability to present at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Student Wildlife Symposium.
$15,000 – Invest in Neighborhoods – Cincinnati Neighborhood Summit 2023
Purpose: To convene active citizens, public officials, and community organizations for a day-long series of seminars, workshops, and presentations where Cincinnatians can learn, network, and collaborate to solve problems and improve their neighborhoods.
$15,000 – LADD, Inc. – Empowerment Council: Voter’s Rights & Education for Adults with Disabilities and Elected Officials
Purpose: To support the Annual State of Disability Town Hall that addresses voter’s rights & education for adults with disabilities and elected officials as well as supporting research on issues affecting the adults with disabilities community and providing advocacy.
$2,500 – Law & Leadership Institute – Public Sector Experiences for Underserved High School Students
Purpose: To provide online internship opportunities and field trips to various legal offices in Hamilton County.
$6,000 – League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area – Expanding the Electorate
Purpose: To expand the electorate by providing voter registration opportunities at naturalization ceremonies and reach and register citizens in jail who are eligible to vote but often excluded and uncertain of their rights.
$15,500 – League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area – Nonpartisan Voter Guides for November 2023 Election
Purpose: To support the printing and distribution of nonpartisan voter information materials and the operation of the Online Voter Guide.
$2,500 – Mill Creek Alliance – Canoes & Conversations
Purpose: To support the fourth Annual Canoes & Conversations event which builds community support to develop Mill Creek as a community asset with significant health, recreation, environmental, economic, and transportation potential.
$10,000 – Ohio Justice & Policy Center – Second Chance Legal Clinics
Purpose: To provide free, quality legal assistance to clients who want to overcome the barriers of their criminal records to improve life for themselves and their families.
$7,500 – Ohio Voice – Protecting Ohio Voting Rights & Election Integrity
Purpose: To educate Ohioans about the benefits of proactive voting reforms such as automatic voter registration and online absentee ballot requests, and to protect existing laws and practices as voting rights continue to come under attack nationwide.
$10,000 – Ohio Voice – Honesty for Ohio Education
Purpose: To support a non-partisan, statewide coalition to push back against efforts to censor curricula, discriminate against students and teachers, and push partisan agendas in Ohio’s schools.
$5,000 – Peaslee Neighborhood Center – Clearing the Path for Housing Policy
Purpose: To provide public information that fosters a clearer and more accurate collective understanding of housing issues in Cincinnati and engage in more pointed, collaborative work on strategic analysis in service to longer-term movement building.
$20,000 – School Board School – School Board School Year 6
Purpose: To develop equity-focused elected leaders working inside the system as school board members who represent the diversity of their community, understand their role, and are prepared to do it well.
$7,500 – Soapbox Cincinnati – First Suburbs–Beyond Borders Year 2024
Purpose: To continue producing a community-informed local journalism series that supports the communication/storytelling capacity of the local governments and member communities in the First Suburbs Consortium Of Southwestern Ohio.
$5,000 – The Matriots Education Fund – Elected Officials and Expert Event Series
Purpose: To support a series of Elected Officials and Experts events to provide women with non-partisan resources and information to encourage participants to get involved in the political system including voting, advocacy, and running for political office.
$2,500 – Urban Appalachian Community Coalition – The Social Areas of Cincinnati: Sixth Edition
Purpose: To support the editing and production of a sixth edition of The Social Areas of Cincinnati, which provides an analysis of social needs among different populations.
$20,000 – Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio – The State of Black Cincinnati 2023
Purpose: To support the research, design, and publication of the 2023 State of Black Cincinnati: Journey to Parity, a report on racial equality in Cincinnati across economics, employment, education, health, housing, criminal justice, and civic participation.
$10,000 – Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation – Appointed
Purpose: To support a non-partisan program that prepares women to serve on civic boards and commissions, and empowers them to seek a seat at the table.
$15,000 – Xcellence Ignited – Dream Chasers
Purpose: To support a summer program for youth ages 14-18 that provides life skills, leadership development, civic engagement, building youth and police relationships, and career exploration in non-traditional industries such as clothing and brand design, videography, photography, and how to DJ.